Tag Archives: cigarsandwhisky

Happy #ReservaDay! Now, I dunno if that’s a real thing or not, but it should be, and it should happen several times a month….

@tatuajeinc #7thReserva
#cigar #NowSmoking #BecauseBroadleaf @ardbeg @ardbeg_usa #Uigeadail #CigarsAndWhisky #WhiskyAndCigars (at Portland, Oregon)

One of the well known and appreciated things about peated malts is how warming they can be in cold winter days. Those same malts take on menthol-like cooling in the summer months very few take for granted.
@romacrafttobac #CroMagnon #Mode5
#cigar #NowSmoking #TheModeIs5 #RoMaCraftWeaselTeam #DegenerateWeasels #CigarsAndWhisky #WhiskyAndCigars @laphroaig #QuarterCask #NowDrinking #singlemalt the sun is down and it’s still 31C (at Portland, Oregon)