More #yellowcello action with an old #Punch #GrandCru thanks to @klmayer0321
#Cigar #NowSmoking #TheSnSClub (at Portland, Oregon)
Tag Archives: yellowcello
Happy belated 7th birthday #AmbosMundos
Box date 11 Feb 09.
#cigar #now #thesnsclub #yellowcello (at Portland, Oregon)
See the flower, smoke the flower. I’ve been holding onto this awhile.
#yellowcello #LanceroFebruary #LanceroLove #cigar #nowsmoking #thesnsclub #getlaflored (at Detention Bar)
Still a few minutes of daylight to do some more construction. Getting the fire ready for the family first.
#tatuajetuesday #AmbosMundos #Sumatra #yellowcello
#cigar #nowsmoking #thesnsclub (at Portland, Oregon)
Waiting for the FedEx guy
#originalrelease #AmbosMundos to start my #tatuajetuesday
#cigar #nowsmoking #thesnsclub #yellowcello
Good ol’ @tatuajeinc #nhc #lancero to kick off #tatuajetuesday and the end of a long day.
#cigar #nowsmoking #yellowcello #lancerolove #thesnsclub #newhavanacellars (at Detention Bar)
Dug into the #YellowCello files and brought out this original #AmbosMundos #Sumatra. #2 #cigar #nowsmoking #thesnsclub #tatuaje
Had to do it. Original release #AmbosMundos #2 from @tatuajeinc.#Sumatra #yellowcello #cigar #nowsmoking #tatuesday #tatuajetuesday #thesnsclub (at Detention Bar)
@caocigars #America from the #YellowCello files. I prefer it to the #SinisterSam #cigar #nowsmoking
Hitting the #yellowcello files again with a @tatuajeinc #ambosmundos #1 and an #OldGrandDad 117. #cigar #nowsmoking #tatuesday #tatuajetuesday #nowdrinking (at Detention Bar)