Tending to the garden a bit, but it’s quickly getting too hot for me
@tatuajeinc #NégociantMonopole
#cigar #NowSmoking (at Portland, Oregon)
Tag Archives: négociantmonopole
I thought it was later in the day than it really is.. Good thing as I need to get out and find another cigar or two for tonight
@tatuajeinc #NégociantMonopole
#cigar #NowSmoking #TatTuesday #TatuajeTuesday (at Portland, Oregon)
Watching the grass dry before I hit it with the mower
@tatuajeinc #NégociantMonopole
#cigar #NowSmoking #TatuajeTuesday (at Portland, Oregon)
Wet morning to be standing outside with coffee and morning cigar before work. Can just keep me coffee and cigar dry…
@tatuajeinc #NégociantMonopole
#cigar #NowSmoking (at The Stash Smoke Shop)